Norman Family
Hobby Farm
Powell, Tennessee 37849 USA
NorDogs Large K9 Friends ~
NorDogs Kennels of Norman Family Funny Farm and Happy Critters
I (Elisabeth Norman) have been handling dogs and working with them for a good many years now. I first started in the AKC Showing with Standard Poodles back in 2004. Standard Poodles are smart and a wonderful dogs to work with. I soon found that why I loved the breed (Standard Poodle), the grooming they demand and ridicules hair cuts they must have to be shown, just was not my thing. I kept a Standard Poodle as a pet for many years but stopped showing them. As a family we have gotten into Saint Bernard’s and are Showing and handling them to this day. We got Bismark our First Wolf Dog because my husband really loved them when our daughter was two he was not like any Animal i had ever had or handled before and was a hug learning experience! I use a lot I learn for him to this day in my Dog Training!
Today on our Farm you will see outstanding Saint Bernard's from our line, bred to be top of the line with blood brought in from top lines in this county, and imported lines from Russia! They are beautiful to see and a delight to meet! You will also see our Majestic but not so friendly Wolf dogs on the farm, doing their thing, living life as they like. The Wolf Dogs are not big into visitors and rarely take a liking to them but you will catch your breath if you are lucky enough to get to see one. We breed, Raise, handle, show, and maintain a line of Saint Bernard's But no longer Do anything with Wolf dogs but keep the ones on our farm as personal pets!
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